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Tells the story of seven Iranian transsexuals living in Tehran who live pieces of their own lives on the screen. Motamedian uses a mix of documentary and fiction to better explore their journey in finding their true identity and manages to avoid the obvious trap of sensational and victimization. What surprises is that getting the acceptance from families proves to be more a challenge than from the religious authorities for a sex change operation. Yet, the reason for such tolerance is that to change sex seems better than to live a homosexual life!​​​​​​​

Making a film about transsexuals and their problems in Iran was a difficult task. And itbecame something of a challenge as I could see myself more as a fighter than a filmmaker. But at the same time I had to be vigilant to not falling into the trap of political slogans of the day. I had to be able to show the multi dimensional and fluctuant aspects of my society and its phenomena. I especially wanted to demonstrate the society's position towards transsexuals. My task became much more complicated, especially, for the fact that Iran has a profoundly traditional culture. In this film, I tried to remove the frontier between documentary and fiction cinema. I wanted to create some kind of suspense between real and non-real and with this in mind, to emphasize on the flowing aspects of sex and sexuality, or in other words, to emphasize on our identity. Further, the most important issue for me was to throw away the unnecessary elements and to emphasize on the essentials; this approach was not only seen in the content of the film but also in its formal aspect and its unity as a whole. khastegi (Sex My Life) is not a film about freaks or abnormal people with transsexual tag on their foreheads. It's a film about our identity in its most comprehensive sense of the word.

Sex My Life (Khastegi)






Films open our eyes to some things which we have no access to? Khastegi chronicles and documents the struggles of transsexuals, and in the light of that struggle, comes positive vibes in their courage for independence despite what others might think.

Poetic, delicate, reflective, introspective, dramatic

The work is a bold expose of that society's unfeeling stand on transsexuals?.the film works splendidly

-24th BFI London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival (BFI) (March 17-31, 2010/ London, England)
-Cinema Digital Seoul Film Festival (CinDi) (August 19-25, 2009 / Seoul, South Korea)
-Chelsea Art Museum (July 15- August 19, 2009 / New York, USA)
-19Th Toronto LGBT Film Festival (May 14 - 24, 2009 / Toronto, Canada)
-24th Torino GBLT Film Festival (23 - 3 April 2009 / Torino, Italy)
- Prague international Film Festival (FEBIOFEST) (26 March-3 April 2009 / Prague, Czech Republic)
- International Contemporary Film Festival (FICCO) (17 Feb. - 1 Mar. 2009 / Mexico, Mexico City)
- Asia Pacific Festival of 1st Films (4 -10 December 2008 / Singapore)
- Festival of 3 Continents, Nantes (22 November - 2 December 2008 / Nantes, French)
- Sao Paulo Film Festival (17-30 October 2008 / Sao Paulo, Brazil)
- Venice Film Festival (August 27- September 6 2008 / Venice, Italy)

Press 1
Press 2
Critique 2
Critique 1


Director’s Notes​​​​​​​

Festivals in which Khastegi (Sex My Life) has appeared